
- Samson was MORE gifted than any other judges, yet he accomplished LESS than his predecessors. The determining factor for whether we will accomplish God’s purpose & plan for our lives is not the number of gifts we have but our commitment to use the gifts God has given us.
- Samson possessed more physical STRENGTH than any person in human history, but his WEAKNESSES derailed his life & mission. Perhaps we should spend more time addressing our weaknesses than cultivating our strengths.
- Getting a haircut in Satan’s barbershop or beauty salon always, always, always leads to grave losses for God’s people. Where & with whom are you fellowshipping, falling in love? Do you sense God’s presence in that environment? Does this person/do these people
share your Kingdom values? - Even if you’ve made a mess of your life, you’ve gotten your haircut & you feel, sense you’re in a GAME OVER moment right now, be encouraged your hair will regrow & when it does, will you courageously decide to PLAY AGAIN?
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